Security Operations Summit (SOS) 2023

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As we near the deadline date (7/15/2023) for registrations at the annual summit for faith-based protectors, I wanted to reach out to followers one last time with information on that event.

We still hope for 400 faith-based defenders from 40 states. With a week to go, we are at 380 attendees coming from 38 states to SOS.23 in the Nashville, TN area July 27th-29th.

There is no church and faith-based organization security seminar that comes close to the comprehensive focus of the annual FBSN Summit event. We have 32 experienced trainers and teachers presenting the following topics (many topics have multiple sessions & presenters). 

  • Scriptural / Moral Security Program Principles & Mental Mindset (4 sessions)
  • Case Studies by Ones Who Were There (7 sessions)
  • Verbal Crisis Skills (2 sessions)
  • Medical Training (4 sessions)
  • Defensive Weapons Skills (5 sessions)
  • Defensive Hands-on Training (3 sessions)
  • Domestic Violence in American Churches (3 sessions)
  • Legal & Insurance Realities (4 sessions)
  • Behavior Pattern Recognition (4 sessions)
  • Networking With Others (3 sessions)
  • Preparing for Moral & Mental Protests and Disruptions (6 sessions)
  • Information Security (3 sessions)
  • Child Protection (4 sessions)
  • History & Status of American Church Security (1 session)
  • Training Management Systems (1 session)
  • Active Shooter Study (1 session)
  • Q & A Panel (1 session)

In addition to the program presenters there are 44 sponsors of the event, most of whom have tables set up in the exhibitor hall. Those sponsors are Americas leading suppliers of products, services and training for the faith-based security endeavor.


Think About it

This is the 5th annual SOS event in America. Every year many attendees say this is the one event they budget for. The value of the presenters, importance of the topics and the vetted nature of the attendees (to attend you must be involved in faith-based organization security or leadership, an active first responder or chaplain with a first responder or military agency) makes the annual summit different.

For more information go to


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