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Think About It -- Peace is Yours.

My knees hurt. Both of them. Bad. All the time. I didn’t understand chronic pain before. It has changed my life. Lately it has made me mad. At everything and everyone. This week I began to think of a story Dad told. I’ve never been able to verify it, so I might have heard portions wrong. Maybe the name of the man he told of wasn’t the one I recall, and maybe he had mistaken...

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Everybody Has a Story. Some Can Tell it.

Lt. Col. (ret.) Dave Grossman will present at our national convention this year; the Security Operations Summit, 2024.

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Think About it -- The Things a Mother Will do

There is nothing like a good mother or wife!

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Think About it -- Events are Back!

Attending a church security focused event is one of the best ways to gain fresh insights and inspiration and meet new people critical to what you do.

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